Short Story: The Myth of Khu

Before time began, was Khu.

Khu said to part of himself, "Be other than myself," and it was so.

The second Khu was called the World. Khu walked on the World, and tested how spongy it felt under his feet. The World felt himself pressed down by Khu, and said, "Ow."

So the World thought to itself, "Khu walks all over me, as if I am dirt! Well, I suppose I am dirt, but that's not the point... I will change myself, so that part of me Khu can walk upon, and this will be called Ground. But the other part of me, Khu will not be able to walk upon- instead, he will sink, and be submerged so that I will be over him. This will be called Water."

And so it was that the world was divided into Ground that seeks to help, and Water that seeks to dominate.

But Khu knew the plan that the World had made. Well, what do you expect from a creation god? So anyway, Khu made his own plan. Khu said to the World, "When I walk on you, would it not be good to have many beautiful colours and shapes to walk among?" The World couldn't argue with this, so he replied, "Yeah, sure."

So Khu made plants and trees grow up out of the World. Khu saw it, and saw that it was good. The World tried to see it, but couldn't, because it was like trying to see the back of your own head.

Khu went down to the World to walk on it, as he had done many times before. But before he went near the Water, he found a large tree. He saw that the tree was very strong, so he said to a new part of himself, "Be other than myself," and it was so.

The third part of Khu was called Heat, and said "You're gonna develop some serious identity issues soon, mate. Just sayin'."

Khu ignored this comment, and ordered Heat to help him fell the large tree. World felt pain as part of himself was taken apart, and said "Stop! You are hurting me!" Khu replied, "This is your punishment for trying to place yourself over me!" Heat said, "Who are you talking to, mate?"

After Khu and Heat had brought down the tree, all the other trees and plants saw that this had happened, and allowed themselves to appear dead for a time. This was the first cold season.

Khu and Heat used the wood from the felled tree to build a boat, which they put onto the Water. Khu and Heat got into the boat, and floated on the Water. Heat invented splashing, but Khu told him off.

Then Khu said to the World, "See, I have made my own Ground, so your Water cannot reach me!" The World was annoyed by this. In his anger, he threw some of his Water into the sky, and made the first clouds, but Khu stayed in the boat. In his anger, he shook himself, and made the first earthquakes, but Khu stayed in the boat. In his anger, he made the clouds drop the Water as rain, and spun himself so that he created wind, and a storm rose on the Water.

Heat saw that the storm was about to drown the boat, and jumped so high into the sky that he got stuck, and became the sun.

Khu and the boat were drowned by the storm, and went under the Water. The World thought he had won, but Khu made a new plan.

As the World lay in the heat from the sun, he fell asleep, and the storm stopped. Khu crept back onto the ground, and divided himself into many fish, animals, birds, and people, so that he could drink the Water that World had made.

The World was awoken from his sleep. The fish drank from the sea, and the animals ate the moisture in the plants and trees. The birds drank, or ate, the clouds. I've never tasted cloud, so I couldn't say exactly which category it falls into. The people drank from the sea and ate the plants and trees, and said to the World with the voice of Khu, "See, I will always be over you!" and the World could not say anything to Khu, and has never said anything since.

So time began with many living things on this world, and they were made to drink lots of Water. This was so that the World would remember who was boss.

This history of the world and public broadcast has been kindly brought to you by Mountain Valley Spring Water, America's Premium Bottled Water since 1871!

See another post in Comedy...

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1 comment:

  1. Just when I thought I could tell where this was going, in comes that last great sentence! :)
