Short Story: Passengers

Several dozen buses were at a bus stop. They were waiting for passengers. There hadn't been a passenger for a long time, and one was due at least 23 minutes ago, according to the timetable. They sat in silence, watched by a single detatched house with eyes in it's two upper floor windows.

Typically, 3 passengers arrived at the same time.

As soon as one bus spotted them he raced up to let them on. But the other buses, no less eager, revved themselves up and hurried to do the same. A clamour of buses of various sizes surrounded the poor humans, honking their horns, waving with their windscreen wipers, and growling "Pick me! Pick me!"

Know, Really!

You know a lot of stuff, don't you? In your head, I mean. You do a lot of stuff with your hands, too. You've got quite a lot of skills if you think about it. But would you admit, with me, that what we have in our head often contradicts what we are doing with our bodies?

Many times a day, I say "I know," when a friend or family member tells me something, but within moments I act as if I didn't know anything at all. "Careful! That oven tray is hot," my wife might call to me in the kitchen, and I reply "I know," as I reach for it with bare hands...

Small mistakes resulting in burnt fingers, and other consequences, happen every day, and it's not something to be too bothered about, is it? But 'being human' never limited us to only making small mistakes. Big ones happen too...

Trust and Power

- An action hero, before an explosive scene in a movie
- A parent, teaching their child to ride a bike
- Every politician, when the elections come around again
- Jesus, in the Bible
- Your friend, passing a suspicious drink to you
- A woman trying to convince a man to buy something
- A man trying to convince a woman to loose something
- A spiritual medium, who needs to pay the bills
- The leader of an army, before taking them into war
- A con man, assuring you of a secure investment
- A doctor, calming your nerves before an operation
- A blog writer, telling you what your life is missing...

These are all examples of people who say, in one form or another: "Trust me."