A Break From Blogging

I'm going to take a break from posting on Sky and Field for about four months.

I have decided this because I am currently at a point where, after over two years of blogging on here, I am finding every upcoming deadline for a new post more of a hassle than an enjoyment. Perhaps my creativity has largely been spent. Or it might be that I only need to breathe for a bit, and then come back refreshed.

I will continue to post material from 5th January 2013, the start of next year, and then hopefully maintain my habit of posting every 5th, 15th and 25th of a month from that point onwards.

In the next few months I will be able to write material when I feel like it, and by January should have a few posts already scheduled as usual. I think that the important thing is not that I stop writing, but that I should not feel that deadlines are always looming nearby.

So I hope that everyone who reads this has a good rest-of-2012... I will see you again in 2013!


Image source: http://www.liesyoungwomenbelieve.com/index.php?id=533


  1. I'm trying to get myself back into writing (and posting). A combination of work, procrastination, laziness and catching up on sci-fi TV shows tends to get in the way.

  2. Great plan Ian.
    Make sure you don't stop blogging - just take a breater from the deadlines. Hopefully in the new year there'll be a new category of your posts too - board games :-)
