Cities vs. Towns

Jenny and I weren't able to do a house hunt prior to marriage until we had done a town hunt. We both graduated from our universities at the same time, and had the option to pick any place in UK to start married life. Out of the two locations we narrowed our choices down to, a distinct difference was that one felt like a town and the other felt like a city.

In a city, or a town that is big enough to feel like a city, part of the point of living there seems to be that you find yourself exploring your own territory. The location is so large in a busy kind of way that there is always a new bar to try, or a new restaurant to go to, or a shop that only just opened, within walking distance. My sister currently lives in London, and recently mentioned in general conversation that there was no point in living in the capital if you didn't go and try new places to visit. It is practically part of what you are paying for, part of the reason the cost of living is higher. Change surrounds you.

In a town, by comparison, there is less regular change to the buildings or businesses, and therefore more of a chance for a dweller to develop a sound knowledge of their area. A person living in a town can, after some time, feel confident that they know where to find particular places where they like to shop or eat. They can travel to these places knowing what to expect. If you consider 'home' to be somewhere that you know well, it is probably easier to feel at home in a town. The environment is more settled.

Out of the two, Jenny and I picked a town to live in. We've experienced both, and a 'town' feel suits us more. Is this due to our personality types, or just the part of life we're currently in? I'm not sure. Which do you think you prefer?

Read another post about Choice...

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