Short Story: What Thaniel Can Do

Travel through the stars, and observe the alien planets. There are two, one the size of our Jupiter, and the other bigger by half again, about to collide. In this universe, they are able to fall into each other because they have not intended to, and rock and debris will fly into space as they destroy each other without malice.

Now back up a few stars in this galaxy, and focus in on the only inhabited planet in this sector of space. Zoom into this blue and red planet to an individual called Thaniel Remington. Thaniel was a man not too different from any man you might know in most ways, and right now he is deeply sad. In fact, deeply sad doesn't quite cover it.

Thaniel is lying face down on a large mat of hay, and crying the tears of a man who has given up, and then found that even giving up isn't an option. His mind wanders through the last few weeks of his life.

Several weeks ago, his brother had cost him everything with foolish financial advice. He had left Thaniel, who trusted him, with nothing. Neighbors knew that Mr. Remington was not a patient man, and the humiliation of poverty fueled anger towards his brother; He was to blame! His own flesh and blood, who he had always hated, because his older brother got all the lucky breaks.

So he had hardly been able to help it when he walked past his siblings house and suddenly thrown a rock at the window. But when he did (and he knew this would happen) the rock turned into a sponge ball in mid air, and bounced harmlessly off the window. And Thaniel felt more angry, as if it was an act of his brother personally defying him.

His single purpose became revenge, but nothing worked- if he set the house on fire, it started raining. If he posted a poisonous snake through the post, a kitten arrived at the other end. If he purchased a gun and tried to shoot his target in the shopping center, the gun turned into a deodorant can when he pulled the trigger.

A few days ago he gave up being subtle, and went to his brothers house to tell him, in no short amount of words, how much he hated him to the core. He had half a speech in his head, but when he came face-to-face with his brother, his voice box refused to operate. Air, not insults, came out of Thaniels mouth, and his brother, without a clue, asked him if he was OK, and did he need a throat sweet?

Thaniel tried to raise his fist to him, but instead both arms came up and he found himself giving his brother a hug. Consumed then by rage at himself as much as his sibling, he stormed out of the house and drove to the top of the cliff at the edge of town.

He felt trapped. He could not express himself, he could not vent his anger, he could not do what he wanted. There was no point attempting anything! He stepped up to the edge of the cliff, and looked down at the sharp rocky ground a mile below him. He leaned forward and welcomed the end with open arms...

But as he would have guessed, had his mind been calm, the sharp and rocky ground became a mat of hay, and Thaniel Remington, past despair, fell safely onto it and suffered not even a scratch.

And now we leave him again, laying in the safe place, unable to harm even himself, and tears falling off his face because he is trapped in a life where the universe does not play fair.

See (a more positive) post about Death...

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